Your Sex Drive on the Pill

Ok, it’s about to get REAL intimate here, but I want to share these stories because it is important for women to know they have options. The following is my personal experience with hormonal contraceptives; perhaps you had a similar experience…

In my early twenties I decided to get Skyla IUD inserted (like a Mirena, but smaller). I was in a budding relationship- my partner and I both loved the peace of mind it provided when things started getting frisky. 

But slowly, over the course of the first few years of our relationship, my interest in sex declined and I struggled to get aroused or experience orgasm. It was frustrating because my sex drive had been quite healthy previously but my lack of interest made me feel like something was wrong with me. 

In addition, I began having more frequent pain with sex, like some positions that were once pleasurable became suddenly sharply excruciating. Not to mention the fact that I seemed to have a yeast infection or UTI every other month, no matter how hygienic I was. This was frustrating and disheartening. I felt like something was wrong with me but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

The issue eventually began to cause arguments between my boyfriend and I. Five long years later I finally got my Skyla removed and the change was like night and day: my sex drive immediately returned. I experienced a wide range of emotions at that point: relief, pleasure, and anger, to name a few.

I don’t know why I found it surprising, either. I had briefly been on a generic version of the Pill for a few months when I was 21. It so drastically affected me- migraines, intense cramping, and hot flashes- that I stopped taking it within a few months of starting. I naively thought the “low” dose of hormones in the Skyla would be gentler on my system.

The truth is, my Skyla IUD so drastically affected my libido that I promised myself to never use another hormonal birth control again. The reward: preventing pregnancy- did not outweigh the risks: compromised gut health, mood disorders, and the cherry on top, a seriously tanked libido.

We are about to dive into what I consider to be the greatest irony of the Pill (and other hormonal birth controls):


On one hand, the pill ushered in the revolution of women’s sexual liberation.

On the other hand, the pill robs women of their sexual interest, desire, and pleasure experience.

How long do you think men would put up with a drug that reduced their sex drive to nearly nothing?

Honestly, would it even make it to market?

Women, though, have been suffering the side effects of hormonal birth control since the 1950s. That’s over seventy years!

So how exactly does the Pill affect your sex drive? 

  • Increased sex hormone-binding globulin, decreased free testosterone

    • Women have a small amount of testosterone compared to men, but it is necessary for a healthy sex drive. The Pill and other hormonal birth controls (HBCs) work by decreasing the production of ovarian and adrenal testosterone and drastically upping the sex-hormone binding globules (SHBG) levels. SHBG binds to testosterone in your bloodstream, making it unavailable for any other use. 

    • Put plainly, the Pill overloads your system with SHGB, which binds to most of your free testosterone, leaving little leftover to supply your libido. The Pill that allows you to have safe sex actually makes you want to have less sex!

  • Pain with sex

    • HBCs are known to increase the risk of vulvodynia, or pain in your vulvar area, which can cause dyspareunia, or painful intercourse, which may be related to the next point…

  • Decreased vulvar and clitoral tissue volume

    • You read that right. The Pill and other HBCs can actually shrink the size of your vulvar tissues, as in reducing the thickness of your labia minora and vaginal opening as well as reducing clitoral volume by about 20 percent! 

  • Increased risk for yeast infections and UTIs

    • The Pill and other HBCs totally mess with your gut microbiome, which eventually also messes with your vaginal microbiome. When the pH is off (too acidic) infection can run rampant. The kicker is that antibiotics from your primary care doc zap the infection in no time, but also zap your already suffering gut microbiome, leaving you susceptible to even more infection.

All of these issues compounded together? Sex is a hard pass when you’re not in the mood, it hurts, and you get a burning infection after every other time.

This may be your truth, girlfriend- it certainly was mine for a portion of my life. 

But the real truth is that…

You deserve to experience your own unique and healthy libido. 

You deserve to enjoy sex without worrying about triggering pain. 

You deserve to live in a state of health, infection free!

Let’s talk about the steps you can take to reclaim your sex drive.

  • Care for your gut

    • I might sound like a broken record, but I’ll say it again, gut health is everything! 80% of your immune system is housed in your gut! To keep yeast infections and UTIs at bay, removing inflammatory foods from your diet like alcohol, caffeine, gluten, processed sugar, and soy is a good start.

    • Include gut-friendly foods like yogurt, fruits and vegetables, and fermented foods like pickles and kimchi.

    • Take a probiotic- I love the Multi-Strain Probiotic from Zuma Nutrition because the capsules are small and one bottle lasts two months! Use code SPRINGTOLIFE to save 15% off all orders!

  • Eat aphrodisiac foods

  • Use a non-toxic lube

    • A good lube can be a game changer, but you have to be careful and read the labels, especially if you are prone to infections because products like lube can contain ingredients that are actually irritating and will make matters worse. Here are a few of my top picks:

      • Maude Shine organic water- and aloe-based personal lubricant is really excellent and they also make compatible condoms!

      • Organic coconut oil is a great standby, you probably have some in your kitchen!

  • Stop taking the Pill

    • Or whatever hormonal birth control you are on. The surest way to fix a problem is to go straight to the source. This might sound radical, but there are plenty of non-hormonal ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy that will actually help you live in harmony with your body. From non-hormonal contraceptives like the copper IUD to the fertility awareness method, you have OPTIONS, and learning cycle syncing is a great place to start! Cycle syncing is body literacy and empowerment at its finest- your menstruating body came with a blueprint, you just need to learn how to read it! Which brings me to my final point…

  • Work with a coach

    • Not only will a coach have knowledge and expertise that will save you A LOT of time on Google, they will be your support system and accountability partner on your quest to feel fucking amazing in your body! 

    • As a hormone health coach, cycle charting educator, and Pilates instructor, I guide women to adjust their nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle to fit the ebb and flow of their hormones during their unique cycle to reclaim their libido, gain confidence with food, achieve body goals, and reduce toxic exposure so you can feel amazing every damn day. I’m taking applications for my semi-private coaching program, Get Synced, right now! Submit your application and find out more about how this program could change your life!.


Your Gut Health on the Pill


Bloat Be Gone